Research Interest
Medicinal Chemistry
From Bench to Clinical:
We focus on novel drug design, which included anti-cancer kinase inhibitor, antiviral drug and microtubule inhibitor through a rationl SAR study. To date, we discovered 3 drug candidates and transfer to biological technology company for further clinical experiments.
Organic Chemistry
Natural Product Syntheses:
Nature world contains a rich resource for medicinal natrual products, which contain various and complex skeleton. We focus on total synthesis and provide novel strategies for pharmaceurical compounds.
Group News
2023/08/24 國家衛生研究院podcast 聽科學-藥物研發上的小問題大解惑(下集)!
2023/08/17 國家衛生研究院podcast 聽科學-藥物研發上的小問題大解惑(集)!
2023/07/03 歡迎 品誌、禹彤加入HPH LAB!
Academic Achievement
2024/06/25 恭喜!慕珺之研究成果刊登於 J. Med. Chem. !
2024/04/23 恭喜 宇翔獲得2024藥化年會口頭論文報告優等獎;雯勻獲得2024藥化年會口頭論文報告佳作獎!!
2023/12/14 恭喜!謝興邦所長榮獲美國國家發明家學院院士!
2023/09/23 恭喜 致銘、聖國以及Reddy之研究成果刊登於 Org.Lett. ,並獲選Organic Letter 11/03封面!!
2023/04/23 恭喜 雯勻獲得2023藥化年會壁報獎第一名;宇翔獲得壁報獎佳作!
2023/03/12 恭喜 Amit、雯勻、科宏榮獲2023化學年會優秀壁報獎 !
2023/03/03 恭喜 淑怡獲得2022年度生藥所優秀人員獎項 !
2023/02/10 恭喜 慕珺之研究成果刊登於 J. Med. Chem. !
© 2023